Sunday, December 18, 2011

I am a Rock - Are you going it alone?

A winter's day 

In a deep and dark December; 

I am alone, 
Gazing from my window to the streets below 
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow. 
I am a rock, 

I am an island. 
"I Am A Rock", Simon and Garfunkel

Your passion for helping others is awesome, and I know you've got a desire to change the world and make it a better place.

Friday, December 9, 2011

"We actually show up!"

I was driving my daughter to work the other day and got behind a white pickup truck, obviously used for work with a compressor and tools in the back.  The sides were painted with advertising for an irrigation and yard work company.  What really caught my attention was the slogan painted on the back window of the cab.  It was in large white letters, in italics.
We actually show up!

Monday, December 5, 2011

"I no longer wish to parent this child..."

That was how the note started.  It was stuck inside the 7 year old boy's pocket as he boarded the plane to Moscow.  Artyem Seviliev (known as Justin Hansen in the US), had been adopted in Russia by a Tennessee mom just 6 months before.  Fast forward to April 2010 - the mom couldn't handle the psychological issues, seemingly didn't ask anyone for help (including her adoption agency), and chose to simply return him like an unwanted Christmas gift to Wal Mart.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Freedom, Passion, and Wilfred Brimley


You can't forget that scene from Braveheart when Mel Gibson (as William Wallace), hung, racked, strapped onto the cross, and mutilated, allowed the opportunity to pledge allegiance to the English King and alleviate the agony and torture he's been subject to - and then he screams, "FREEDOM!"

That's passion!  So passionate for his country, his people, and their freedom that he gave everything he had, even his very life.  Passion to fight until the end for a purpose that's good and worthy.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Passion + Focus = Impact

Passion + Focus = Impact                         What in the world does that mean?

This is a description of who I am, what I do, and how I do it.  I am a man of deep passion - no, not in the sultry, bite on a rose stem and tango across the floor kind of passion, but rather the take a mission in my heart and devote myself fully to it kind of passion.